Saturday, July 5, 2008

Looking through my Wardrobe Remix account today, I confirmed something that I had always been suspicious about. When it comes to my taste in clothing, I am consistently inconsistent. I have cycled and recycled through so many fads and eras that it would appear as if I am some sort of fashion-schizophrenic. I just can't help it! I love clothing and I don't want to close myself off to any style. I think my undulating taste for style keeps me lets me leave behind some silly trends, and revisit them with a more disciplined eye. Lately I have definitely been feeling the more 70's bohemian vibe. Maybe its due to my recent taste in music or perhaps the prolonged exposure to my beautiful hippy friends.


Andrea Eames said...

I feel the same way about my style - that it's consistently inconsistent. I enjoy ringing the changes, but sometimes I'd like to have a really strong personal style that is constant and can be summed up in a few words ... but I don't think it's ever going to happen. I like experimenting too much!

I love your outfit today, that blouse is gorgeous.

mary said...

Thank you.

I guess our personal style could be summed up as evolving :)

Anonymous said...

I'm nearly the same. It's hard to choose one style - it's better to try different ones when you're still young and fresh!

This is a cute look. I love the way you wear your berets :).