Monday, March 8, 2010

Times up. Winter is over. The remnant patches of snow lay in open fields like white, rotting corpses. The sun has over taken the sky and with it the sadness has been banished away forever...or at least until next winter. Suddenly, there is life on Mars again. The soil has thawed and the atmosphere has cleared to give way to Spring, and I cannot tell you how relieved I am. To be honest, I think I weathered the winter well enough. The cold makes you stronger, it seriously does. But I am glad that its over for now.

Yesterday was the first really nice day. So, Matt and I took off for a 7 mile hike from our condo through our neighborhood, to Little Italy, through the Plateau, for a stop in Chinatown for some nourishment, and finally to the Old Port where we took the Metro back home. Everyone was out walking their dogs or children. There is a sense of camaraderie amongst all living creatures on the street..even the little dogs strung from their owners step a little higher to the tune of the sparrows who have returned from their Southern vacations.

1 comment:

Nishant said...

what a fab post thanks for sharing
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